Setting up Evolution Mail (gmail and hotmail)

Like many people I have multiple email addresses.

I had a hotmail one and a gmail one, both equally important.

Recently hotmail offers free pop access so I thought the time was right to start using a email client.

In this how-to I’ll provide step by step instructions on setting up your gmail and hotmail account in Evolution.

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KDE 4.2

I’ve been a Gnome user ever I started using Linux a little over 2 years ago.

Sure I’ve flirted with other WM and DE but Gnome always stayed my favorite.

When KDE 4 came out it looked promising but I was not impressed with it at all.

It was slow, had lots of bugs and not much going for it really besides it’s looks.

KDE 4.1 was more of the same, still not impressed.

That all changed when version 4.2 came out a little while ago.

I now use KDE 4.2 and haven’t looked back.

Why? Keep reading.

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Windows 7, the Linux killer?

On many tech blogs/sites I have read a lot about Windows 7 and a lot of articles say the new OS from Redmond could be claim back some Linux converts.

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Firefox is back!

A lot has happened since Firefox 3 launched and other browsers were catching up to the all powerfull open source browser, but it’s back.

Firefox 3.1 beta 2 is out and boy it’s fast.

It comes with the new Tracemonkey javascript engine and  Gecko 1.9.1.

Tab switching is faster and it has  “private browsing”, read more about the new features here.

Download the beta here.

If you need help installing, keep reading.

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Automate your backups

In this short “how-to” I’ll explain on how to back up your home folder (or anything else you want) every week.

I’ll be using rsync and bash script and a cron job.

The whole thing will take 2 minutes to set up.

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