Faq updated, screenshots added.

I updated the faq section of the website.

I also added a new page called screenshots.

It’s full of screenshots of linux (kde and gnome) destkops.
It was created to be the answer to people saying linux is ugly compared to vista or osx.

GNU/Linux, how it all started.

Have you ever wondered how it’s possible that you have the best operating system in the world for free?

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Enlightenment 17

Enlightenment 0.17 is the next generation of UNIX graphical environments. It is not just a window manager, but it is also a desktop shell. A desktop shell means, a window manager plus a file manager, plus configuration utilitys all in one. They are not separated as usual. Now, let’s take a closer look at all E17 features.

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Install firefox 3 beta 3 on ubuntu

So I decided to give firefox 3 b3 a try. And it’s great!

I ditched firefox 2 because it’s was to slow and crashed alot.

I’ve been testing ff3b3 for a few hours now and I haven’t got the famous flash crash yet.

Oh, did I mention it’s lighting fast?

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Schedule pc shutdown

If for whatever reason  you need to shutdown the pc after x hours you can use an easy command to do so.

To shutdown the computer at a fixed hour, lets say 23:15, use this command in the terminal:

sudo shutdown 23:15

To shutdown the system after x minutes, lets say 30, use this command in the terminal:

sudo shutdown +30

extra options:

add -r at the end of the command if you want the system to be rebooted instead of shutdown, it would look something like this:

sudo shutdown 23:15 -r

To cancel the shutdown command use this:

sudo shutdown -c


1. set a shortcut for the terminal (I use f12) using “system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts

2. use the command “man shutdown” to learn about the other options

3. the word “sudo” means that this command will be executed a root, thus you’ll need the administrator password if you want to use it.